APS: perception and level of participation in activities of the Family Health Unit, San AlfonSo - Asunción, year 2010
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cuestión social
participación comunitaria

How to Cite

González Chamorro, R. (2016). APS: perception and level of participation in activities of the Family Health Unit, San AlfonSo - Asunción, year 2010. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 1, 103–110. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.1.2016.103


Primary health care (PHC) was implemented in Paraguay since 2008. The present study aimed to describe the perception and level of participation of the community of the neighborhood of San Alfonso in the activities and services of the Family Health Unit in The PHC framework during 2010. The research was descriptive, with a quantitative approach. A non-probabilistic sampling was carried out for convenience in a population composed of 433 elderly people out of a total of 834 dwellings. The results showed a predominantly female population (76%) between 41 and 60 years old, who performed work at home 79% and declared themselves to be heads of household 63%. 44% of all the people surveyed completed secondary school, 34% of the primary school and 15% were in the tertiary level. 61% worked as housewife, 9% domestic worker outside the home, 9% self-employed, 5% self-employed, 8% retired and 8% student. 60% participated in basic medical services such as health care (43%) and vaccinations (29%). 19% attended informative talks on awareness and prevention of diseases. Most of them know the Aty Guazú (informative meetings) of the APS, but 84% said they did not participate because they are late for the invitation. 44% of those who participate are from some organization such as neighborhood commissions and church groups 35% respectively. The implementation of the new paradigm of preventive health care as a public policy brought about changes in the model of care as well as great challenges for the whole society. To sustain these challenges requires a social and political consensus on the meaning of community participation in health, as well as consider the perception of the population to improve care and communication between the Family Health Team and the community.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Romilio González Chamorro


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