Detection of Cannabinoids based on hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), in commercial products available in the Paraguayan market by High Performance Liquid Chromatography


  • Antonio Samudio-Oggero Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Tecnológicas
  • Mónica Vera Alvariza Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Campus UNA, San Lorenzo, Paraguay
  • Emilio Benitez Penayo Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Tecnológicas
  • Héctor D. Nakayama Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Centro Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Tecnológicas



Hemp, commercial products, cannabinoids, HPLC


In Paraguay, a variety of the species Cannabis sativa L., commonly called "hemp", with a tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content lower than 0.5% (w/w) is regulated by decree N°2725 since 2019. Due to a growing interest in the high nutritional value of the oil obtained from hemp seeds, commercial sales of hemp-based products have increased, and there is need for quality control regarding the cannabinoid content of these products. The main objective of this study was to identify the presence of cannabinoids in commercial products by means of high-performance liquid chromatography. Nine hemp seed oil-based products, including cosmetics and tea, were analyzed.  The results showed that none of the samples showed peaks with retention times similar to the THC standard; however, 44% of the samples analyzed showed the presence of a peak with a retention time similar to that of the cannabidiol (CBD) standard signal. The analytical methodology used was the most suitable for the analysis of tea samples, but not for the analysis of cosmetic products, so the present study suggests to optimize the extraction method for this type of products.


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How to Cite

Samudio-Oggero, A., Vera Alvariza, M., Benitez Penayo, E., & Nakayama, H. D. (2024). Detection of Cannabinoids based on hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), in commercial products available in the Paraguayan market by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Steviana , 16(1).



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