Políticas de la Editorial

















All manuscripts are submitted to editorial and ethical review by members of the Editorial Board (Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor and/or Associate Editors and Secretariat). They are critically evaluated in order to, above all, achieve compliance with the following criteria:

  • The adequacy of the subject to the areas covered by the Journal.
  • The originality, novelty and interest of the subject.
  • The observation of formal requirements such as results that give solid support to the conclusions that are raised, clarity and interest for non-specialists, use of figures and tables; the integration and depth of analysis of the cited literature.
  • Technical quality in writing.
  • Acceptance of the conditions of publication (submission of Cover Letter).
  • The absence of conflicts of interest and compliance with the rules on users' rightsand ethical aspects of the journal.
  • It must not be under review in any other journal or have been submitted to other journals at the same time.



Submissions made through the platform will be managed by the Editors, it will be verified if the manuscripts meet the general submission criteria, with thematic coverage, have the structure and citation rules of the journal. Once it has been determined whether the manuscript meets the criteria, the decision to undergo the peer review process rests with the Editor-in-Chief and/or Co-Editor.

If the manuscript goes through the review process, it will be assigned to an Associate Editor in the area, who will evaluate the scientific content of the manuscript and decide if it is appropriate to send it to the reviewers in the area. At least two reviewers who are experts in the field will be assigned. The review will be double-blind, in which the reviewers will not know the name of the authors, nor will the authors know the names of the reviewers. Reviewers will evaluate submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and importance to determine whether the manuscript should be published in the journal. The selection of reviewers is based on experience and background in the area of work to be evaluated.

Upon receipt of all requested revisions, the Associate Editors will make a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief, where decisions may be:

  1. Reject the item.
  2. Accept it with modifications (Accept the post after the suggested comments have been embedded).
  3. Accept your post.

The manuscript will be reviewed in a maximum of 2 rounds of revisions.

As for the opinion: two rejection opinions will cancel the possibility of publication of the proposed manuscript, it will be considered rejected. If a review is accepted and/or accepted with modifications and one rejected, the manuscript may be sent to a third reviewer or the editor of the area will decide and the decision made will be final and unappealable. In case of acceptance with modifications, the corresponding author will be notified for revision of the manuscript, whose return is preferably stipulated within a maximum period of 30 working days to address the concerns and recommendations of the reviewers, or, alternatively, to present a detailed justification by means of a letter, where the author must promptly attend to the observations.  additions, corrections, additions, or clarifications suggested by reviewers.

In some cases, the reviewers will be able to check the changes, to ensure that the authors have adequately addressed all the observations and recommendations raised, if they have not been considered and the justifications are not valid, the manuscript will be rejected. Once the manuscript has been corrected following the recommendations, it will be sent to the Editor of the area and will be considered suitable for final acceptance.

The Editor-in-Chief will verify the consideration of the Area Editor and make the final decision on the publication of the manuscripts.

The content of the review is confidential, for the internal use of the Journal and the author.


Guidelines for reviewers

Editing the reviewer's report

Editors will not delete or modify reviewers' reports, but if necessary, may edit a report where the reviewer has used offensive language or any comments that reveal confidential information in the double-blind review process. We ask reviewers to avoid any kind of vocabulary or expression that might offend the authors, but we also expect that the authors recognize constructive criticism and that the recommendations are not unfair or out of the editor's critical judgment.



All decisions will be communicated via platform and/or e-mail through the system to the corresponding author. The journal undertakes to inform the author of the result of the review as soon as possible, along with the comments, suggestions, and observations of the reviewers, however, the time required to process a manuscript varies according to the complexity of the topic, the availability of appropriate reviewers, and the manuscripts on the waiting list.

The acceptance of an evaluated and approved contribution does not imply its immediate publication. The Journal of Research and Studies-UNA reserves the final decision on the publication, as well as the volume in which it will be included.

In order not to withhold manuscript information with relevant, original, and unpublished information for long periods of time and to comply with Open Science guidelines, we offer the option of Early Access. Whose considerations and specifications are described below:

Early Release / Early Access

The journal offers an option called Early Publication, which is the publication of articles online before their formal inclusion as part of a scheduled volume/issue and represents the final version of the record. Manuscripts in this category may be submitted in a preliminary, unformatted format and may be available online within days of acceptance. This means that your paper will be considered published and citable by your DOI once it is published online. When submitting a new manuscript, you will be asked in the Cover Letter, "Would you like your paper to be published online prior to formal inclusion?" If you tick "yes" and your paper is accepted, you will receive a notification to go to "Early Publication" in your author center. If you select "no," you won't be able to submit your work for Early Release at a later time.

It is the authors' responsibility to provide a clean version for publication in Early Publication. If you used Microsoft Word changes or entered comments for the editor in the final review, they should be removed in this release. The article will not be published without final acceptance. Articles published in Early Publication will display a statement identifying the article as a preview. Also on the management platform (OJS) will appear the phrase "This article has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication, but has not yet been edited or corrected. The final published version may differ."

Articles will be removed from Early Publication and will be assigned a page number when the article is assigned a page number.



  • To define the level of collaboration and authorship, it is suggested to use the following model:
  • Authors' contributions: "Conception of the study, X.X. and Y.Y.; Design of Experiments, X.X.; Execution of the experiment, X.X.; Verification of the experiment, Y.Y; Data Analysis/Interpretation, X.X.; Statistical analysis, X.X.; Manuscript Preparation, X.X.; Manuscript Editing and Proofreading, X.X; Approval of the final version of the manuscript, X.X.  All authors have read and accepted the published version of the manuscript."
  • Before the Bibliographic References section, a paragraph will be added with the level of contribution of the authors, who will be named by their initials. It is not mandatory to complete all functions, it can be deleted if you deem it necessary.
  • Authorship should be limited to those who contributed substantially to the reported work.



The authors will retain their copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication of their work, under the Creative Commons 4.0 License (CC-BY), where the user may Share—copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt — remix, transform, and create from the material for any purpose, including commercial.

Under the following terms: Attribution — You must give proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in a manner that suggests that you or your use is supported by the licensor. No Additional Restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from making any use permitted by the license.

The information and opinions contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and in no case will they be attributed to the Editor, the Editor or the Editorial Board of the journal.


The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used solely for the purposes set forth in this journal and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.



The Journal of Research and Studies-UNA is committed to meeting and maintaining standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process.



Duties and responsibilities of the Editors and the Editorial Board

  • Verify the confidentiality of authors' data in the review process.
  • Ensure the safekeeping of unaccepted texts and the process for their rejection.
  • Define and explain the criteria for acceptance of articles for review.
  • Avoid preferential treatment that would harm other authors.
  • They have no conflict of interest in relation to the texts presented.
  • Do not make any use of the texts or the data presented therein, other than those that are published.
  • Establish clear and objective review criteria to avoid reviewer subjectivity.
  • Review suspected incidents of plagiarism and resolve any conflicts of interest.
  • Evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy.

Duties and responsibilities of the Authors:

  • Originality: Ensure the originality of the works and that they have not been published in another journal or other medium.
  • Veracity: Provide truthful data and show that it was collected in a technically correct way.
  • Plagiarism or self-plagiarism: Do not plagiarize all or part of works already published.
  • Authorship: Confirm that the authorship of the text really belongs to the people who sign it. Author status implies participation in the realization of the research work presented in the manuscript, indicating in your cover letter the contributions made by all authors.
  • Conflict of interest: declare any association that may represent a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted manuscript.
  • Literature cited: Indicate the sources of information used and differentiate those that were used directly from those that were used indirectly. Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate permission to partially reproduce material (text, tables, or figures) from other publications and for correctly citing their source.
  • Do not submit the manuscript simultaneously with another journal.
  • If the article is accepted, the authors must commit to making the changes within the stipulated deadline.
  • In cases where it is considered appropriate, submit documentation that ensures that minimum ethical criteria were followed in the research, such as informed consent and approval by the ethics committee, if necessary.

Duties and responsibilities of Reviewers:

  • Conduct a fair and objective review of manuscripts received.
  • Clearly state the arguments for your assessment.
  • Do not accept articles for review in which there may be a conflict of interest that limits their objectivity (for example, being an interested party in the research presented in the article, maintaining a personal relationship – kinship...- with the authors of the text or being in a situation of dispute against the person or group presenting it).
  • Maintain confidentiality about the information and data of the articles evaluated.
  • Evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content, regardless of the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy.



In the case of work involving human beings, indicate whether the procedures followed are in accordance with the ethical standards of the Council of International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) and the Declaration of Helsinki. In the case of animal experiments, indicate whether they have complied with the basic international guiding principles applicable to biomedical research involving animals, developed by CIOMS and the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS). The clinical trials in the two cases mentioned (human and animal) must specify in the text that the protocol was approved by an Ethics Committee and that the informed consent of the study subjects or legal guardians was obtained. In all the cases mentioned above, the authors must attach a copy of the approval letter from the Ethics Committee.



The authors of a manuscript, the editors of the receiving journal, and their reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the manuscript or its review and approval. If the authors declare a conflict of interest, it must be communicated to the reviewers of the manuscript. On the other hand, those invited to review a manuscript should exempt themselves from doing so if they have a conflict of interest with the topic.

The journal guarantees that the most appropriate reviewers will be chosen in terms of thematic and academic compatibility. In the event of litigation, the Journal of Research and Studies-UNA undertakes to resolve these cases through its Editorial Board. Who will resolve these cases and take reasonable steps to identify and prevent the publication of articles in which cases of research misconduct have occurred.

In no event will the Journal encourage such misconduct, nor will it knowingly permit such misconduct to occur. If the journal's editor(s) become aware of any allegations of research misconduct,

The Editorial Board is responsible for retracting articles or publishing errata, correcting articles if necessary.



The Editorial Board (Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor, and/or Associate Editors, the Reviewers) has the authority to reject a manuscript in the review process by submitting it with sufficient and verified support from one of the members. Publications may also be cancelled in response to complaints from the victim(s) of plagiarism. The Council takes into account the importance of recognising the right people for the work presented.

It is considered plagiarism to copy a sentence from someone else's manuscript in its entirety and not make specific mention or have permission to do so, as well as the use of one's own sentence that has been previously published, without proper citation. The journal recommends comparing the use of free plagiarism detection tools with reviewers.


The Journal of Research and Studies-UNA is committed to ensuring that all digital content generated or sponsored by it is freely available online to the general public.

Its content may be used freely under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0., where the user may share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Adapt — remix, transform, and create from the material for any purpose, including commercial.

Authors of works published under this open access policy will retain the copyright to their works. Revista investigaciones y estudios-UNA may request a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the work, but the author will retain the ownership rights.

The Journal of Research and Studies-UNA is committed to following the principles of open access, promoting the maximum dissemination and accessibility of the knowledge generated in its facilities. In addition, it will seek to implement practices that facilitate the use, reuse, and exchange of academic and research content, with the aim of fostering an environment of collaboration and knowledge advancement at a global level.



The Journal of Research and Studies - UNA is published by the General Directorate of Scientific and Technological Research, is part of the Portal of the National University of Asunción, whose page is managed by the National Center of Computing.

It has a policy of digital preservation of all its files in the short, medium and long term.

Short Term

Local copies of publications are made on computers, on storage media such as the Google Drive cloud, and on an external hard drive that is in the possession of those responsible for the platform.

Medium Term

The files and data hosted on the server are managed by computer scientists from the National Computer Center of the National University of Asunción.

The National Computer Center performs backups on the server, makes updates to the Open Journal Systems System to ensure that system versions are up-to-date.


The journal is stored on the Portal of Scientific Journals of the National University of Asunción, an open access portal.

The contents of the diary are automatically stored in the following digital preservation systems.

PKP is a multi-university initiative that develops open source (free) software and conducts research to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publications.

The PKP Preservation Network, which provides free preservation services to any OJS journal that meets the basic criteria.



The Journal of Research and Studies (UNA) allows all versions of the article to be deposited in an institutional repository or in another repository of the author's choice, including our repository Portal de Revistas Científicas (UNA), without any embargo period.


Manuscripts are free for submission and publication.



The journal publishes biannually (First period: January to June; Second period: July to December). Articles are received throughout the year and each issue has a closing month.



Spanish, English and Portuguese