This study analyzes the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on social science research in Paraguay during 2023, focusing on Paraguayan individuals conducting research in higher education institutions. A mixed methodology was employed that included a documentary review and a survey applied to 52 social science professionals. The sample covered diverse demographic groups, with a predominance of participants between 35-49 years of age, mostly women, with a master's degree (51.9%) and research experience of 1-5 years (40.4%). The results identify that AI brings significant advantages such as methodological innovation and efficiency in data analysis, but also poses ethical and comprehension challenges that require attention. Respondents recognize the importance of a solid background in AI and the need to integrate it responsibly, viewing it as a valuable tool but not as a substitute for human critical thinking. The study highlights the growing influence of AI in social research and emphasizes the importance of an ethical and reflective approach to its implementation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Angelina Trinidad-Da Silva, José María del Rosario Cañisá Núñez