Impact of the work of the hospital classroom of the Social Welfare Institute on the educational and social inclusion of children and adolescent cancer patients. Year 2019
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hospital classrooms

How to Cite

Martínez Brizuela, J. R., & Rodríguez Cañete, C. (2022). Impact of the work of the hospital classroom of the Social Welfare Institute on the educational and social inclusion of children and adolescent cancer patients. Year 2019. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 7, 1–18.


Educational inclusion is a pedagogical concept of great importance that refers to the way in which the school should respond to diversity. On the other hand, social inclusion refers to effectively addressing the inequities, vulnerabilities and poverty suffered by children and adolescents. The incorporation of these concepts in school classrooms provides a level of development according to the capabilities of each child, eliminating possible barriers or learning difficulties. For this reason, the problem to be analyzed encompasses the situation of vulnerability observed in children and young people who are oncology patients, with limited access to educational institutions, which is the main motivation of the approach. The objective is to assess the impact of the work of the Hospital Classroom on the educational and social inclusion of children and adolescents between 1 and 17 years of age with oncological problems at the Central Hospital of the Social Security Institute in 2019. For this purpose, a mixed research design is implemented, documentary and field, with the application of surveys and interviews to the referents of the area. Its purpose is to analyze what the hospital classroom for oncology patients is like and how it manifests itself. Then, in order to analyze and evaluate the performance of the work of the Hospital Classroom, the attendance and participation of children and adolescents in it, the bond of friendship among them, the sense of belonging to the Hospital Classroom environment and the degree of association between the activities developed within the Hospital Classroom and the conventional Classroom were quantified. Through the evaluations carried out, it is shown that the work of the Hospital Classroom has a positive impact on the educational and social inclusion of children and adolescent oncology patients at the Central Hospital of the Social Welfare Institute in 2019. Therefore, it is recommended the strengthening of inclusive policies that promote, among other issues, the consolidation of the Hospital Classrooms for oncology patients in order to facilitate the access of the affected.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Jessica Raquel Martínez Brizuela, Clarissa Rodríguez Cañete


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