Tax structure and social protection: Political economy of privilege in Paraguay
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social pressure
tax structure
social protection
collective action.

How to Cite

Ortiz, L. (2020). Tax structure and social protection: Political economy of privilege in Paraguay. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 11–23.


The effect of uncertainty generated by the health emergency due to the pandemic, with its restrictions imposed by confinement, led the disadvantaged social sectors to fall into situations of extreme vulnerability. The inability of the public power to meet the needs that arose in this scenario, exposed the structure of privileges in Paraguay, resulting from economic concentration and the capture of the State by the dominant social sectors. The fragility of public services, especially social security, to respond to social protection demands is explained especially by their low financing with genuine resources from the public treasury, given a regressive tax system whose design is imposed by the dominant sectors, reflectingthe social structure. The possibility of modifying the characteristics of the latter is by pressing for changes in the tax structure, constituting the main challenge of collective actions.
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