Effectiveness of biological, botanical and synthetic products in the control of onion (Allium cepa) wilt caused by Fusarium sp. Resources for integrated management
https://doi.org/10.56152/StevianaFacenV14N1A4_2022Palabras clave:
Allium cepa L., Trichoderma spp., plant extracts, chemical fungicidesResumen
Onion wilt is an endemic disease in farms of horticulture production in Michoacán, Mexico. This disease can reduce yields by up to 25-30%. A monosporic isolate of the fungus Fusarium spp. was obtained from onion plants with wilting symptoms, and its pathogenicity was verified. The fungus was morphologically and molecularly identified using the ITS region of reference. Also, Fusarium sp. susceptibility to biological, botanical, and chemical pesticides was assessed through four different bioassays. In experiment I, Trichoderma spp. in vitro antibiosis was tested using the cellophane technique. In Trials II and III, the in vitro effect of botanical and chemical fungicides on the pathogen was evaluated through the amended potato dextrose agar (PDA) culture technique. In Trial IV, the efficacy of the products selected during in vitro assays was evaluated under greenhouse conditions. During the antibiosis trials, the commercial strain of Trichoderma virens (PHC Root Mate®) inhibited 33.3% of Fusarium sp. mycelial growth. Among botanical pesticides, cinnamon-neem extract (NeemAcar®) at doses of 0.06, 0.08- and 0.10-mL L-1 inhibited 100% mycelial growth of Fusarium sp. The fungicides benomyl, prochloraz, and pyraclostrobin completely suppressed Fusarium sp. development. Under greenhouse conditions, the incidence of wilt of plants treated with Trichoderma spp. and botanical extracts applied individually and in combination, did not present significant differences from plants treated with chemical fungicides. These results will help to develop an integrated disease management program for onion wilt.
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