Community health agents, medicalization and pastoral action of the State
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salud pública
agentes comunitarios de salud
control social

How to Cite

Estigarribia, Ángel. (2017). Community health agents, medicalization and pastoral action of the State. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 83–99.


Public policies go beyond the specific social service, the utility of the same, for the state apparatus is broad. The first objective of the State is to strengthen its power. Public health is a central aspect of political intervention and within it, the strategy of Primary Health Care (APS) plays a relevant role.
Within the APS strategy, the Community Health Agents (ACS) are the gateway to the health system and also the most friendly state research mechanism. They develop a fundamental task: they are the essential prong for the adherence of patients to medical treatment and build the framework of trust for the process of searching, collecting and processing data on individuals and the environment, for State access to the Intimacy of people and finally for social control.
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