Once more invisible in pandemic: mental health, people with disabilities and originating peoples
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How to Cite

Cristaldo, P., Ruffinelli, R., Gavilan, S., García, B., & Lo Bianco, Álvaro. (2020). Once more invisible in pandemic: mental health, people with disabilities and originating peoples. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 86–92. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.5e.2020.86


This essay problematizes the vulnerability of our population to the COVID-19 pandemic, with an almost null social protection system and a health system that is more than precarious and deficient. A review was made by historically unprotected sectors such as indigenous peoples or people with disabilities who were once again the excluded, from the collection of information from newspapers that were timidly talking about these issues. Faced with compulsory social isolation, the main response of the state to mitigate the economic crisis was through monetary transfers, to sectors framed in informal work. Although the monetary transfer was necessary, the state agencies do not have a census or records that allow them to assist these sectors, so the execution was delayed, inappropriate, not very accessible to people and leaving improvisation bare, in the execution of public policy. From these reflections we add the views and the analyzes to make the social question more complex, in times of pandemic, evaluating in this short essay the realities of the social subjects that are being crossed by the different facets of COVID-19 and even more so those historically unseen minority groups.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Patricia Cristaldo, Rosa Ruffinelli, Sofía Gavilan, Belinda García, Álvaro Lo Bianco


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