The research addresses the impact of rural migration in two urban settlements in the municipalities of Limpio (Central) and Villa Hayes (Pte. Hayes) in the period 2008 - 2017. The objective is to describe and analyze the new social, economic and cultural conditions of migrants and the reconfiguration of territories in these municipalities. The type of study is descriptive and exploratory with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Rural-urban migration is a phenomenon that produced an increase in the urban population and the emergence and growth of intermediate cities. In demographic and social terms, a predominantly young population could be observed in both settlements, inserted in the labor market informally and with incomes below the current legal minimum and in very few cases between one and two minimum wages. Regarding sociocultural conditions, territorial change does not seem to significantly affect the majority of the population, community relations are rapidly reproduced and recreated due to the fact that the needs that affect households are similar. Regarding the reconfiguration of municipal territories and management, the authorities recognize the difficulties generated by the spontaneous and disorderly growth of the settlements and the impossibility of responding to all the demands of the new towns. For most families, their own home is the main motivation and for this purpose the peripheral settlements become places where they can make the dream of their own home a reality.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Quintín Riquelme, Guido Daniel Fernández Romero