Migration from the countryside to the city: experiences of women from the south bañado. Asuncion 2019
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rural area
urban area

How to Cite

García, B. . (2021). Migration from the countryside to the city: experiences of women from the south bañado. Asuncion 2019. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 6, 62–76. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.6e.2021.62


The research sought to describe the migration experience from the countryside to the city of women from Bañado Sur de Asunción in 2019, through a qualitative, descriptive, observational design; and through the perspective of migrant women with elements of the empirical reality. From the critical perspective, it is possible to characterize the migratory phenomenon in relation to the problem of land in Paraguay. This is understood as a broken social relationship through these forced displacements that finally obey to changes produced within the economic structure of production.
The sociodemographic characteristics of migrant women that concomitantly intertwine social inequalities in the urban and rural environments, leading them to labor precariousness in both environments, become evident.
These women had previously migrated to other geographic areas and not directly from their communities of origin to Bañado Sur; that is, there was a process of rural-rural and rural-urban migration.
Six moments of transit were identified: 1) the present time, in the urban area as the last settlement 2) before migration, where life in the rural area developed before the arrival in the cities 3) the day of migration, which constitutes an angular event in the women's lives 4) the migratory moment of transit from the community of origin, which made it possible to observe mobility in its social context 5) the moment of arrival, which configures the conditions in which the cities receive the women, the first resettlement; and finally 6) the transition in the city and what it entails to start life with other parameters, codes and languages, which is still an unfinished process, since it is multidimensional.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Belinda García


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