Violence against women and COVID-19
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social policies

How to Cite

Garay Báez , A. ., & Franco , V. . (2020). Violence against women and COVID-19. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 85–90.


This writing addresses the problem of violence against women in the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic, through a review of secondary sources linked to reports on services and regulatory frameworks in force in Paraguay. The work is framed in the context of the crisis due to the pandemic around the increase in reports of cases of violence against women from compulsory confinement, which in many cases is the same as being confined with their own aggressors. The proposal of the writing is approached with the contextualization of the problem, a brief description of the situation at the regional and national level, for later analysis based on what is stated in the data of governmental and non-governmental reports and the conclusion.
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Copyright (c) 2020


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