Agronomic performance of experimental lines and commercial varieties of soybean (Glycine max, Fabaceae) in the central Chaco of Paraguay


  • D.P Rondanini IFEVA, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET, Facultad de Agronomía, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Omar Paredes Martínez Instituto de Biotecnología Agrícola (INBIO). Asunción, Paraguay



crop daptability, waterlogging, Glycine max, seed number, seed yield


Soybean is the main grain crop in Paraguay. Soybean production advances in central Chaco, and information is required on the behavior of new cultivars that are adapted to the region. The objective was to analyze the productivity and adaptability of soybean cultivars in a dry system in the central Chaco from Paraguay. In Loma Plata (Cooperativa Chortitzer Ltda) 25 experimental lines and 6 commercial varieties (VC) were evaluated in a field trial in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. The growing season (2019) was hot in the vegetative stage and suffered from waterlogging in the reproductive stages. Crop phenology, grain yield and its components, and grain composition were recorded. Among cultivars, the sowing flowering period lasted 30 and 50 days. Grain yield ranged 800 to 1600 kg/Ha, with significant differences among cultivars (p<0.0001). Lines 23, 9, 13, 6, and 25 were competitive against the best VC (VC6 and VC5). Grain yield was associated with the number of grains (r=0.82). The composition of the grains was stable, with 22.6-24.0 % oil and abnormally low values of protein (< 28%). It is concluded that there are promising experimental lines for the central Chaco, with competitive grain yield compared to commercial lines, and that the line 23 has a high number of pods and grain weight, with an adaptation to soils with high frequency of flooding. Its usefulness in crop rotation systems, including rice in the Chaco emerges as a topic of interest for future research.


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How to Cite

Rondanini, D., & Paredes Martínez, O. (2023). Agronomic performance of experimental lines and commercial varieties of soybean (Glycine max, Fabaceae) in the central Chaco of Paraguay. Steviana , 15(1), 37–57.



Artículos Originales de Fisiología Vegetal