Design and implementation of improvements applying the ISO/IEC 25000 standard for software quality in a library management system




software product, standard norm, quality control


The quality of academic software products is fundamental for the success of institutional projects, which is why this work focused on developing an evaluation mechanism for Integrated Library Management Systems (SIGB). The objective of this research is the design of an improvement plan for the SIGB of the National University of Itapúa, its partial implementation and delivery of the products to the university. It proposes a measurement and quality control model for the software product based on the ISO/IEC 25000 family of standards; specifically, in the ISO/IEC 25040 standard. In














addition, as part of the proposed evaluation model, a questionnaire was designed, applied to the users of the system, to collect primary source information necessary for the improvement of the software. The programming language used was Ruby On Rails (RoR), the development methodology was SCRUM due to its adaptability to RoR for the agile development of the project in stages and phases. This research first faced the lack of an efficient testing process during system development, which has led to quality and performance problems. Second, the lack of a quality standard to evaluate system performance has created ambiguity in evaluation and, ultimately, user satisfaction. These challenges are the basis of this research, since it seeks to propose concrete and effective solutions. to improve both the efficiency of the development process and the quality and performance of the system. As a result, the most significant functionalities were improved: book and thesis loan records in the room, visit records, and a record of available theses were added. For the research, an applied research methodology was adopted, with a non-experimental design, and a qualitative approach, given that the research variables were not manipulated, but rather to understand in a more detailed way the needs that the users presented. since the implementation of the SIGB. Finally, the quality evaluation of the SIGB and the improvement plan are obtained.


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How to Cite

González Villalba, P. D., & Ortega Domínguez, H. D. (2024). Design and implementation of improvements applying the ISO/IEC 25000 standard for software quality in a library management system. Journal Investigaciones Y Estudios - UNA , 15(2), 5–23.

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