English language learning through Mixed Reality: A study in Paraguayan public schools
https://doi.org/10.47133/NEMITYRA20240603c-A5Palabras clave:
early literacy, English as a foreign language, educational technologies, public education in Paraguay, mixed reality, phonemic awarenessResumen
In the early years of life, children develop foundational skills that prepare them for formal reading and writing. Therefore, there is no specific age at which children are ready to read; instead, they are ready when they have acquired the necessary skills. Learning another language from an early age further reinforces these foundational skills and facilitates intellectual development. In Paraguay, despite the enactment of Law 5031/13, which requires English language instruction in public education from preschool through high school, the teaching of English as a foreign language shows deficiencies in the sustained formative trajectory that should begin at the early education level. The integration of mixed reality (MR) technologies has proven effective in various educational contexts, including language learning, by offering an interactive and immersive learning experience. This cross-sectional study analyzes the correlation between educational environments, teaching methodologies, and their impact on learning. It involved 174 students from four public schools in Paraguay with no prior exposure to English. The methodology was implemented twice a week for 40 minutes over three months, without textbooks with the Challenge program with Mixed Reality (MR) technology. The study included both schools with English teachers and those where the methodology was implemented by elementary school teachers. Teachers received training and pedagogical guides throughout the project. Students were assessed at the beginning and end of the study to measure progress in Speaking, Listening, Phonics, and Writing. The data were analyzed using inferential statistical tests to compare initial and final results, determining the effectiveness of the Challenge program and MR technology in improving English language skills. Activities included greetings, songs, keywords, and interactive exercises. The results indicate that the applied methodology is effective in improving students' language skills. These findings suggest that the sustainable implementation of early English literacy will benefit from innovative strategies and the expansion of educational opportunities in the country. Additionally, the intervention was equally effective regardless of whether the teacher was an English teacher or an elementary school teacher, reflecting the flexibility of the methodology, given the shortage of English teachers at a national level. Moreover, despite high technological costs, most public schools in Paraguay already have the basic infrastructure necessary for such pedagogical innovations.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Maura Judith Zalimben Recalde, Sofia Clara Scheid Vázquez y Revista Ñemitỹrã

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