A Grappling with power and privilege in the United States: One queer TESOL professional's autoethnographic inquiry
https://doi.org/10.47133/NEMITYRA20240601-A1Palabras clave:
autoethnography, oppressive dynamics, privilege, ESOL, critical reflectionResumen
Previous research, including the author’s own, has affirmed the presence of oppressive dynamics throughout the American education system, including adult English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) programs. Yet, addressing these dynamics in classroom instruction and program administration is relatively absent in preservice preparation programs and continuous professional development for educational professionals. Similarly, the vital importance for educators to reflect on these oppressive dynamics and explore how they might manifest within themselves and impact them professionally has also been identified. Inspired by Gerald (2022), the author embarked on an autoethnographic inquiry that focused on oppressive dynamics based on their prevalence in American society (racism and sexism) and their personal relevance (homo- and transphobia). Critical race and intersectionality theories were the conceptual frameworks used for this investigation, including the personal and professional impact on the author/research subject and their presence among participants in the research he has conducted. The goal was to scrutinize the context of instruction (i.e., American history, society, and culture), to share the author’s reckoning with these dynamics, including power and privilege, and to prompt other educators to make similar introspective journeys. Limitations and areas for future study, including inquiries in other countries/contexts, were also discussed.
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Derechos de autor 2024 David Housel; y Revista Ñemitỹrã

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