The Emotional Journey of Female Novice Researchers in Mexico



Palabras clave:

Social-emotional learning (SEL), female English language teachers, teaching and research, social expectations, teachers and researchers’ well-being


Doing research has become part of language teachers’ academic demands in many educational institutions around the world. This article presents the findings of a qualitative narrative inquiry that explored the emotional landscape of a group of Mexican female language teachers who were entering the field of research. The transition from teaching to research involves a process of insights and awareness of the factors that affect the emotional status of female novice researchers. Their narratives evidenced their personal and professional struggles and their emotional labor. The findings reveal a complex interplay of emotions identified through the Pratham Life Skills framework within the social-emotional learning (SEL) approach. The study highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing these emotional facets in the academic career trajectories of female researchers, with the goal of fostering their well-being and a more inclusive and supportive academic environment in the language teaching and learning research field.


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Cómo citar

Salas Serrano, L. A., & Flores Salgado , E. (2024). The Emotional Journey of Female Novice Researchers in Mexico . Ñemitỹrã, 6(1), 36–53.



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