Intermunicipal associativism in Paraguay: normative evolution, inconclusive initiatives, and reflections for consolidation
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intermunicipal cooperation
local government

How to Cite

Paredes, O. (2024). Intermunicipal associativism in Paraguay: normative evolution, inconclusive initiatives, and reflections for consolidation. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 9(2), 1–9.


This article addresses the development and limitations of intermunicipal associativism in Paraguay from a theoretical and exploratory perspective. Based on a review of the normative evolution and the main associative initiatives in the country, it highlights the lack of consolidation as a central challenge for strengthening decentralization and local governance. Despite the recognition of intermunicipal associativism in the 1992 Constitution, there is no specific law regulating its implementation, which creates a legal vacuum, hindering coordination and sustainability. The analysis reveals the proliferation of incomplete initiatives due to a lack of resources, institutional support, and clear objectives. Furthermore, the role of the Paraguayan Organization for Intermunicipal Cooperation (OPACI) is questioned for its lack of transparency and inefficiency as a promoter of associativism, suggesting the need for an independent audit. The article also emphasizes the need to reform the legal framework for metropolitan areas and to enhance the role of departmental governments in promoting intermunicipal associativism. In conclusion, it argues that fully leveraging the potential of associativism as a local development tool requires specific legislation and strengthening the capacities of involved entities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Olga Paredes


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