Approaches to the Paraguayan State and its characteristics
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Lo Bianco, Álvaro, & Vázquez, S. (2022). Approaches to the Paraguayan State and its characteristics. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 7, 1–17.


A current debate in the academic and political world is related to the questioning of the State model in force in Paraguay for decades, a model that until today, regardless of the political sign that took office, could not be transformed, but rather persisted over time.
The purpose of this article is to make a descriptive historical account of the conformation of the Paraguayan State and its current characteristics until the end of the process of change led by the government of Fernando Lugo.
First of all, it reviews the historical period after the Great War, which is known as the period of “reconstruction” of the Paraguayan State, after its devastation during the War of the Triple Alliance.
The famous “reconstruction” had as main spearhead, the arming of a new State different from the previous one, conformed from the independence until the Great War as an independent State and with wide influence in the Paraguayan economy.
Later on, the reader will find a review of the main events of the 20th century, which included the consolidation of this State since 1870, and some of its characteristics.
Finally, we will stop to characterize the post-dictatorship Paraguayan State and how it remained with the clientelist structure, functional to the interests of the ruling classes, despite the great programs in the democratic transition.
The article ends with a brief analysis of the attempt at a minimal transformation of the Paraguayan State, which occurred during the government of Fernando Lugo and his broad opposition coalition.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Álvaro Lo Bianco, Sara Vázquez


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