Attention during the process of childbirth of adolescents in the Chair and Service of Gyneco-Obstetrics of the Hospital de Clínicas, 2019
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childbirth process
humanized delivery

How to Cite

Acosta Soria , S. M. ., & Chamorro Mendieta , H. M. (2020). Attention during the process of childbirth of adolescents in the Chair and Service of Gyneco-Obstetrics of the Hospital de Clínicas, 2019. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 44–57.


he forms used in the care of adolescents in the process of childbirth is a subject on which there is little information, which requires a wide debate from the perspective of rights and its importance is increasingly relevant due to the demand of adolescents who go through this process. The objective of this research was to describe the care received during the adolescent birth process in the Gyneco-Obstetrics service of the Hospital de Clínicas de San Lorenzo, for which it was proposed to characterize the care that health professionals provide to adolescents during the process of childbirth and identify the experience of the adolescent in this process. The study was of a qualitative exploratory type, following the method in a descriptive and analytical way. The task was to show an overview of the situation of pregnant adolescents, as a first approach and finally describe them. The results coexisted in the dimensions where the care for the users was described, those who expressed satisfaction with each procedure and services provided by the professionals, who have provided them with security and empathy. The answers to your physical and emotional needs have been met. In conclusion, the care received by the adolescents who went through the process of childbirth at the Hospital de Clínicas is framed within the parameters established by the WHO of Humanized, clean or dignified delivery
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