Plant parasitic nematodes in the spotlight: exploring the pathogenic potential of the genera Helicotylenchus, Scutellonema, and Tylenchorhynchus in soybean in Paraguay




Scutellonema, Helicotylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus, Soybean, Reproductive Factor.


Soybean is considered one of the most important crops in the world, and nematodes are equally important globally due to their ability to cause diseases. Phytoparasitic nematodes of the genera Helicotylenchus, Scutellonema, and Tylenchorhynchus have been reported in several soybean production areas. This study aimed to determine the reproductive factor of Helicotylenchus, Scutellonema, and Tylenchorhynchus in soybean crops. Four commercial soybean fields were selected in Itapúa and Canindeyú, which were named commercial plot 1, 2, 3, and 4. Within these fields, 10 composite samples were taken at the beginning of planting (initial population) and at harvest time (final population). The reproductive factor (RF) for each phytoparasitic nematode was evaluated using the Student's t-test, comparing if the RF was equal to or less than one (Ho) or greater than one (Ha). Helicotylenchus nematode was detected in all four plots, but only in commercial plots 3 and 4, the RF was significantly higher than 1 (P-value). The presence of Scutellonema was identified in commercial plots 1, 2, and 4, and the RF was significantly higher than 1 (P-value). Tylenchorhynchus was identified in commercial plots 2 and 3, and in both cases, the RF was significantly higher than 1. Therefore, it was confirmed that the genera Helicotylenchus, Scutellonema, and Tylenchorhynchus reproduce in soybean-associated fields, making them potential pathogens of this crop in Paraguay.


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How to Cite

Gini-Alvarez, A., Lugo, F., Caballero-Mairesse, G., Enciso-Maldonado, G., Bonussi, D., Lombardo, F., … Lopez-Nicora, H. (2023). Plant parasitic nematodes in the spotlight: exploring the pathogenic potential of the genera Helicotylenchus, Scutellonema, and Tylenchorhynchus in soybean in Paraguay. Journal Investigaciones Y Estudios - UNA , 14(1), 34–43.

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