Optimized design of a Koji-type Bioreactor for the production of fungal biomass through solid-state fermentation
biological reactor, biofermentation, bioengineeringAbstract
Biological reactors applied to the industrial production of bioproducts of commercial interest have been an increasingly used tool which led to the study of engineering methods such as the design and construction to maximize the performance of the processes that take place inside of the bioreactor. The analysis of the methods and tools for the control of basic parameters and their adjustment according to the type of microorganism has been the main interest of this field of study, as well as the ease with which the inconveniences that occur during the fermentation process can be resolved. Solid-state operation bioreactors have many advantages in the production of fungal biomass due to the easiness of assembly and operating control conditions. The aim of this project was the design and optimization of an existing bioreactor that allows the production of T. asperellum fungal biomass with an optimal control of the asepsis and physical factors of fermentation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rocío de las Nieves Coronel Cristaldo, Laura Denisse Santander Díaz; Abdón Troche Rotela (Autor/a)

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