Forest Landscape Restoration in Yaguarón: Implementable Forest Systems based on current forest cover and rural women’s perception




forest loss, forest fragmentation and degradation, gender and rural development, forest landscape restoration models


The loss, degradation and fragmentation of forests is a global problem normally related to illegal forestry activities; Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is presented as an alternative to face these problems, by involving and understanding stakeholders to achieve a successful project. This research focused on organized rural women of the Yaguarón district and sought to propose innovative models for FLR projects, considering the current forest cover and key actors, seeking to maintain gender equality, transparency, and ethics. For this research, the current forest cover was analyzed, and data on forest fragmentation were obtained. Through workshops with researchers, implementable forest models were identified, as well as recommended species. To know the perception of the key actors, a questionnaire was designed, and two workshops were held, one in each women's committee, in October 2021. These workshops sought to understand which model of FLR projects would be of the greatest interest to the local actors. The district's forest cover was classified as 6,487 ha of forest cover (≥ 2 ha) and 753 ha of tree cover (˂ 2 ha). The forest cover was distributed in 258 fragments and the tree cover in 1,881. Implementable forest models classified according to current land use were identified. Among them, the Forest Plantation System with fruit species was the most selected by women. These inputs will serve as the basis for the FLR Planning of Yaguarón.


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How to Cite

Quevedo Fernández, M. L., Pérez de Molas, L., Gamarra Ruiz Díaz, L. M., Villalba Marín, J. L., Moreno Castro, P. E., Amarilla Rodríguez, S. M., … Salas de la Cruz, D. (2022). Forest Landscape Restoration in Yaguarón: Implementable Forest Systems based on current forest cover and rural women’s perception. Revista Investigaciones Y Estudios - UNA, 13(1), 6–23.

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