Cannabis in Paraguay, present and perspectives
marijuana, medicinal, recreational use, legislation, opinionAbstract
In Paraguay, the production, commercialization, and use of Cannabis are regulated. Medicinal use was authorized in 2017 by Law 6007/2017. As for Cannabis for recreational use, Law 1340 /1988 is still in force where the amount allowed for personal use, prohibitions, and punishments in case of law violations are specified. In the present study, we survey the general public's opinion about the use and legalization of Cannabis and subsequently analyzed the national legislation in force. We found that a large percentage of respondents favored the medicinal use of Cannabis while, regarding recreational use, opinions were balanced both for and against it.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jorge Daniel Jara Villamayor; Danilo Fernández Ríos (Autor/a); Juliana Moura Mendes; Adans Agustin Colmán, Mariana Guadalupe Vallejo (Autor/a); Andrea Alejandra Arrúa
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.