Medical Records Hygienism in the Genesis and institutionalization of social policies and Social Work in Paraguay
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médico higienismo
trabajo social
políticas sociales
formación profesional

How to Cite

García, S. (2017). Medical Records Hygienism in the Genesis and institutionalization of social policies and Social Work in Paraguay. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 16–27.


This articles reviews the modality adopted by the medicalization of Paraguayan society in the course of the beginning of the Social Policies and Social Work. It is carried out in detail in detail in the framework and sobering logic instated by the “the help”, the individualized intervention and health related to hygiene. These express the value contents related to the family, institutions, and a sudden “respect to social-political” order that’s been in effect in the years 30 to 60 in Paraguay.
It is observed that the curricula of Social Work and some written speeches of the time give a certain conservative weight to the intersubjective dimension of the social and the explanation with respect to social tensions, worth remarking, to the social matter of that time. The main ideas of the article are structured by the path of historical capture; a matter we find vital to us as a foundation of what is today the intervention in the social field in Paraguay.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Stella García


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