Marx and the social being ontology
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teoría social
ontología del ser social

How to Cite

Silva, J. F. S. da. (2016). Marx and the social being ontology. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 1, 63–79.


The ontology in Marx is inconceivable without the apprehension of his social theory in its entirety. In other words, it refers to a particular kind of being, the social being (as suggested by György Lukács), historically established from certain socio-historical conditions. Marx’s social theory is based on three inseparable pillars : theory of labor value, dialectical materialism and the prospect of the revolution of the bourgeois order (as objective and possible reference). The Marxist orthodoxy, for Lukács, is only in his method of analysis which serves as a reference to realign processes existing objectively from certain historical conditions. The Marxist perspective refonds the relationship between reason and reality as social practice, reassuring human emancipation as a historical possibility achieved through radical criticism to the capital, its means of social production and reproduction (capitalism), its private property and alienated labor.
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