Social context of rural youngsters in migration situation in San Pedro del Ykuamandyju, year 2019
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jóvenes rurales
migración interna

How to Cite

Torales, M., Ríos, C., & Martínez, P. (2019). Social context of rural youngsters in migration situation in San Pedro del Ykuamandyju, year 2019. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 4, 113–120.


The present study asks about the social and economic situation of young migrants from rural areas to the city of San Pedro del Ykuamandyju for university study reasons. Specific objectives: describing the current social and economic conditions of young people, university students, of rural origin in the context of urban and urban migration identify the main opportunities or difficulties during the process of adapting to the city. The type of exploratory research is with a qualitative approach. This information was revealed through semi-structured interviews with rural youth in the migration situation and with local and institutional referents linked to this sector. In addition, it appealed to official documents and to studies and investigations available on the subject. Among the main halls, it is found that the university is the main reason why rural young people migrate to the city and constitute themselves as a fundamental part of the social dynamics of the same. However, San Pedro is constituted as a transitory city for young people, as the importance and importance of the presence of the National University of Asunción has not been accompanied since the State by other public policy initiatives aimed at the studied sector, predominantly the performance, underemployment and precarious work, wages very due to the legal minimum prevailing, among others. Moreover, there is an overpopulation of professionals of the same areas before a null labor opportunity, because the same ones are obliged to a second process of migration.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Mauricio Torales, Cristian Ríos, Paola Martínez


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