Implications of the role of caring for the lives of the responsible people of people dependent on disability who, in 2015, assisted in the Educational Program for Children with Physical Disabilities in Asunción
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organización social del cuidado

How to Cite

González Chamorro, R. (2019). Implications of the role of caring for the lives of the responsible people of people dependent on disability who, in 2015, assisted in the Educational Program for Children with Physical Disabilities in Asunción. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 4, 102–112.


Care is a necessity and an end during all stages of the development of the human being, it is carried out mainly by the women, but is socially and economically devalued in patriarchal societies, undermining the exercise of their derechos and their social citizenship. From the concept of the social organization of care, this research has as its objective, to analyze the incidence of sociocultural factors in the imagination and the practices of women in relation to their care of children and children with physical disability which, in their Year 2015, Assisted the Educational Program for Children with Physical Disability in Asunción. They are exploratory in nature, qualitative in nature and convenient for convenience. If interviews are used depth with a guide of questions. A matrix of categories and discourse analysis technique is used for analysis. The results obtained, however, are that the imaginary and social practices of the women interviewed are influenced by social representations based on the sexual division of the work that explains, justifies and refers the traditional sharing of the roles of care, what it implies for them. They increase your total time of work in the health of your wellbeing. To top it off, his strategies of sound resistance are personal in character, and disjointed from public or organizational services. In conclusion, these women, influenced by the sexual division of work associated with motherhood and care as their natural and ineludable functions, assume the burden of care, privileging men and accumulation. If they are not reversed, it will continue to undermine the bienestar mainly of the women.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Romilio González Chamorro


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