The Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Asunción promotes reflective processes linked to the problem of gender relations in the academic field, among whose results is the formation of the Gender Studies Working Group, the participatory development and subsequent approval of the Protocol of attention to cases of gender violence, which integrates the institutional regulatory framework. In this context, the GT-Gender considered it necessary to carry out an investigation with the objective of identifying and analyzing student perceptions of violence and discrimination due to gender, covering aspects linked to the concept, types of violence and occurrence. The design and type of study corresponds to the exploratory quantitative approach due to the definition of specific aspects of cross-sectional research; it covered students enrolled in the year 2022, with a non-probabilistic sample of voluntary participation of students from the Sociology and Social Work majors. The data obtained demonstrate the presence of gender violence, mainly between peers, both in perception and in concrete experience. As a first approach to the study of the topic within the institution, the data analyzed provides input to deepen specific aspects of the problem within the Faculty in the search and construction of a University free of Gender Violence.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2023 Violeta Franco, María Dolores Muñoz, Roberth Giribaldi, Marielle Palau, Laura Bareiro