Food habits and nutritional status in children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorders attending the hope association




autism spectrum disorder, eating habits, nutricional status


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurological development syndromes, which manifest in early childhood. Due to the selectivity that these patients present with respect to food, it is crucial to ensure their nutritional status and the quality of their diet. The objective was to evaluate the eating habits and nutritional status of children and adolescents with ASD who attend the Esperanza para Autismo Foundation. The study is type observational, descriptive cross-sectional study carried out in December 2019 on 30 children and adolescents with ASD from 2 to 15 years old. Sociodemographic variables, nutritional status and eating habits were studied. Eighty percent of the population was male. The average age was 4.7 years where 83.3 % had schooling. The predominant nutritional status was obesity in 30 %. In relation to eating habits, the consumption of different foods was daily for dairy, moderate in terms of meat and egg consumption, fruits and vegetables and moderate for the consumption of cereals and sugars. The eating habits of the population were adequate in terms of weekly frequency. The predominant nutritional status was obesity.


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How to Cite

Meza Miranda, E. R. ., & Núñez Martínez, B. E. . (2021). Food habits and nutritional status in children and teenagers with autism spectrum disorders attending the hope association. Revista Investigaciones Y Estudios - UNA, 12(1), 19–26.

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