The production model and the quality of life of the rural community Tava Guaraní, district of Santa Rosa del Aguaray, department of San Pedro in 2016
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modelo de producción
calidad de vida
agricultura familiar
desarrollo sustentable

How to Cite

Rodríguez Barrios, M. (2017). The production model and the quality of life of the rural community Tava Guaraní, district of Santa Rosa del Aguaray, department of San Pedro in 2016. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 100–106.


Given the inequality and impoverishment of popular sectors, and the threat to the continuity of peasant and indigenous communities in the field generated by agribusiness as a hegemonic model; historically the peasantry has resisted and fought, generating forms of subsistence and development, with an alternative vision and development model. Therefore the main goal of this work is to characterize the production model and the quality of life of the peasant community Tava Guaraní, from Santa Rosa del Aguaray district, department of San Pedro. The proposed methodology was descriptive and comprehensive, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, and primary and secondary sources. 31 survey questionnaires, 5 in-depth interviews, and a focus groups with 10 participants were applied for the study. The results showed the Tava Guaraní community had characteristics of a sustainable and agro-ecological development model; the quality of life shows a healthy and satisfied with services population, with high participation in various recreational, cultural and political spaces, and community support networks have a valuable presence.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Mariane Rodríguez Barrios


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