In the absence of empathy: segregation and exile as a trend law
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direito à cidade
criminalização da pobreza

How to Cite

Faria, G. G. (2019). In the absence of empathy: segregation and exile as a trend law. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 4, 92–101.


We established a dialogue about the dynamics of access to the city in a precariously served periphery that experiences urbanization with characteristics that segregate and exclude the poorest. To this end, this article, which is the result of concerns, takes as its method of analysis bibliographic and documentary research under the hypothesis of neglect through the segregation and exile of a specific profile, denoting an apartheid movement that embarrasses the reproduction of the commodity city. and strengthens the role of the moralizing, criminalizing state of poverty by reinforcing the class matrix in the outrageously inferior actions of state leaders in those outraged territories.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Gabriele Gomes Faria


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