Socio-economic characteristics of the families of women victims of gender violence with witness sons / daughters, who attend the Casa de la Mujer Bañado Tacumbú community service, 2020
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gender violence
witnesses of violence
gender perspective

How to Cite

Carosini Miranda, A. R., & Morales Ruiz, L. P. (2020). Socio-economic characteristics of the families of women victims of gender violence with witness sons / daughters, who attend the Casa de la Mujer Bañado Tacumbú community service, 2020. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 112–123.


It is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach that allows us to understand the stories of women’s experiences, from a perspective with a gender and human rights perspective. A critical analysis was developed around dimensions such as: family structure and relationship, economic, educational, health conditions and finally the expressions of gender violence. Among the main findings, the study shows that the women interviewed come from nuclear families, during their childhood and adolescence all have witnessed gender violence since it was exercised by their fathers towards their mothers. They have been adolescent workers, they prioritized daily economic support and at this stage they abandoned or were deprived of academic training; they access public health services. They had as their first spouse the father of their sons and daughters, who over time in turn became their main aggressors. Women were within the circle of violence for more than ten (10) years, during all this time their sons and daughters were witnesses of such a reality. La Casa de la Mujer, community service, has been key in the cultural transformation of these women at the time of breaking the cycle of violence and denounced such situation, they were psychologically and legally accompanied, feeling as subjects of law and recognizing the possibility of a free life of violence.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Analía Roxana Carosini Miranda, Lilian Paola Morales Ruiz


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