This research analyzes the discursive strategies used by the Paraguayan digital portals ABC Color and Hoy in the construction of news referring to femicides occurred in the first quarter of 2019. The study is framed in the theory of critical discourse analysis, which allows unraveling the ideological strategies that are hidden behind the news discourses, apparently neutral, but with an ideological load given by the issuer. The methodology used is qualitative, at a descriptive and hermeneutic level. In this way, three important foci of reproduction of sexist discourses within the strategies were identified: firstly, the discursive properties that denote gender inequality, secondly, the ideological power of the media in the hierarchization of the news, and finally, the content of symbolic violence in the journalistic texts. At the end of the paper, it is shown to what extent the editorial and ideological policy of each media can mark similarities and differences in the results.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María Asunción Collante Jara, Norma Flores Allende