Background: The burden of mental disorders continues to grow with important impacts in all countries of the world. Among these, depression characterized by deep sadness and inhibition of psychic functions is considered extremely disabling, being perfectionism one of the proposed associated factors.
Materials and methods: Analytical observational study, cross-sectional, non-probabilistic convenience sampling, from March to April 2019, in students of the faculty of medical sciences (Saxony). Using a sociodemographic survey, Frost tetrafactorial perfectionism scale and Zung scale, with results loaded in excel and analyzed in PSPP.
Results: 204 cases were analyzed. The age range of the university students was between 18 and 26 years (mean 20.76; ±1.474). Significant results were found between the total of perfectionism subscales with a high level and the level of depression presented by the subjects; between the female sex and the subscale of organizational perfectionism. In addition to a prevalence of cases of mild depression in 1st year students with 51.2%.
Conclusion: There is a significance between the dimensions of perfectionism and a certain level of depression as found in previous research, and contrary to results already obtained, no correlation was found between sex and depression.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Belen Torres Caballero, María Emilia Machado Musri, Nair Yasmin Haidar Falcón, José Fernando Amarilla Barrios