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Fever of Unknown Origin

How to Cite

Maradiaga Montoya, R. Y., Sierra Barahona, A. M., Ramos Acevedo, I., & Molina Cruz, M. V. (2023). ABORDAJE DIAGNÓSTICO: FIEBRE DE ORIGEN DESCONOCIDO. Discover Medicine, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.2300/dm.v3i1.3129


Fever of unknown origin (FUO) represents a challenge for doctors despite new technologies and tools for diagnosing. It can be divided into four groups: classic, associated to health services, associated to AIDS, and FUO in patients with a compromised inmune system. Classic FUO is defined as: fever >38.3°C (101°F) in at least two instances; a disease that lasts ≥3 weeks; without any known compromised inmune system; and a diagnose that remains unknown after a meticulous medical history, physical exploration and complementary studies. The diseases that cause FUO can be classified in infectious, malignant, noninfectuous inflamatory diseases (NIID), miscelaneous and non diagnosed; NIID are common causes in developed countries, and infectious diseases prevail in undeveloped countries. Clinical tracks are elements that guide us to possible etiologies and to which tests must be accomplished. Some of the tests that can be carried out are: laboratory tests (blood test, liver function tests, serologies, bacteria cultures, autoantibodies), imaging techniques (ultrasounds, x ray, cat scan), nuclear medicine (positron emission tomography), and invasive studies (bone narrow and liver biopsy). At last, the diagnosis will depend of the combination of clinical elements with several test results.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ramón Yefrin Maradiaga Montoya, Andrea María Sierra Barahona, Isabel Ramos Acevedo, Marco Vinicio Molina Cruz


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