Student Task Engagement in Remote Language Learning During the Pandemic: Perspectives and Experiences of Junior High School English Teachers



Palabras clave:

challenges, experiences, facilitators, language learning, perspectives, remote instruction, Student task engagement


The level of participation and involvement of students in their learning activities, student task engagement, is regarded as one of the essential conditions for success in language learning. The main objective of this qualitative study was to explore how junior high school English teachers approach student task engagement in a remote language learning context during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, a focus group and individual interviews were conducted with English teachers from a private school in Asunción. Results indicated that they had well-defined perspectives concerning student task engagement in language learning, and they reported using varied strategies, activities, and resources as well as facing several challenges in the design and implementation of learning tasks in their efforts to promote language task engagement in remote classes. From their statements, it can be concluded that their beliefs directed their teaching practices in times of remote instruction, but they could not avoid encountering challenges of different nature that hindered the integration of engagement facilitators into learning tasks in order to foster student task engagement.


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Cómo citar

González Muñoz , L. E., & Canese, V. (2024). Student Task Engagement in Remote Language Learning During the Pandemic: Perspectives and Experiences of Junior High School English Teachers . Ñemitỹrã, 6(1), 54–76.



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