Welfare and health: a framework for comparative analysis on the origin and development of Health Systems
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Setaro Montes de la Oca, M. (2017). Welfare and health: a framework for comparative analysis on the origin and development of Health Systems. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 57–71. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.2.2017.57


This article presents an analytical framework for the comparative study on the origin and development of one of the central components of Welfare State: the Health System. The work seeks to facilitate the understanding of the processes of construction of health systems with a universalistic orientation, identifying the milestones in its construction, as well as the challenges that are posed for its stability and development. The approach is built on the analysis of the experience of mature health protection systems in developed countries, seeking to provide clues to Latin American countries that seek to advance the path of implementing universal health systems. Building universal health systems is a fundamental task in affirming the statute of citizenship, an essential component of a substantive democracy.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Marcelo Setaro Montes de la Oca


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