Created representations, false truths, of people with disabilities
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trabajo social
representación social

How to Cite

Silva Montealegre, T. . (2018). Created representations, false truths, of people with disabilities. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 3, 38–53.


The share of the connoisseurs and not knowledgeable in the field of disabilities proves to be of great interest to the scientific knowledge as to the common; therefore, leads to analyze, look and learn the ways of understanding to a condition and an actor, i.e.: disability-person with disabilities, within the social structures and human relationships that are woven to step of the history. Thus, the issue of disability in Social Work has been increased in the intervention as in the research from the various fields and areas of the discipline, allowing solidify the social vision on the disability and people with disabilities. So from this discipline addresses the social representations of disability framed in the Community sphere, where are woven concepts that are considered to be the reality of what is the person with disability. Likewise, these representations in addition to creating the concept, also play an important role in the action toward what is being conceptualizing, in this case the community constructs which is the person with a disability and to the couple is generating an action that may favor or hinder the development of the person with disability in community life. Before this, is that the present investigation provides data that allow to know which are the social representations that it has on the disability providing theoretical, methodological and practical from the viewpoint of the Social Work in the field of disability.
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