Unpaid work and human milk banks in Paraguay. Year 2020
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breast milk

How to Cite

Achinelli, M. . (2021). Unpaid work and human milk banks in Paraguay. Year 2020. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 6, 90–105. https://doi.org/10.54549/ky.6.2021.90


The work analyzed the possibility of generating income from of the economic valuation of breast milk in Paraguay. The challenges for this vision are located from morality and ethics, taking into account because most of the existing Milk Banks function as women donation. However, the need to value can be resignified by three visions: unpaid work of women, child nutrition and problems with the supply of well. The objective was to identify the importance of the Milk Bank for the income of domestic economies in Paraguay in the year 2020. The work was qualitative, used the documentary-bibliography, supported by semi-structured interviews with staff of the Maternal and Child Hospital of San Pablo de Asunción. analyzing the situation of the Breast Milk Bank at a global and regional level it was observed that in almost all countries breast milk is donated for the women. However, in some countries like Bulgaria, women are paid for it, because there are certain requirements to be met for a woman to donate, which which carries costs. Therefore, the document raised the possibility of Generate a subsidy for the donation of human milk through savings and credit cooperatives, taking into account the commitment with the equity of It is concluded that the generation of income from milk is possible, supported by its transcendental function for the beginnings of human life.

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