Application of Telematics in the remote monitoring of Biological Sample Banks. Preliminary Study
telematics, serum bank, monitoring system, technology managementAbstract
The serum banks are spaces used for the protection of Biological Samples (BS) of diagnostic and scientific processes. The Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud (IICS) has eight Ultra Low Temperature (ULT) freezers distributed in two serum banks. The designed monitoring system was evaluated for four months, while recording and sending alerts of three ULTs installed in one of the serum banks and their ambient temperature. Information was collected from users regarding the temperature range of each ULT, type of stored BS and their conservation criteria. Temperature controllers with PT 100 sensors connected to an RS485/Ethernet converter were used in each freezer. The system monitored, recorded and alerted users and biomedical technicians via email about incidents due to temperatures outside the range and communication failure. In total, 25 incidents were recorded, 17 related to door opening time, 5 due to high ambient temperature and 3 due to network connection problems. The application of telematics was decisive in monitoring the temperatures of the ULT freezers and the environment in real time to ensure that the cold chain was not affected. In this way, there is a tool that notifies users of serum banks and biobanks of electrical incidents or events that affect the temperature range necessary for the preservation of biological materials, allowing them to perform a timely intervention and thus guaranteeing the correct preservation of the BS.
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