



Adolescencia, trastornos mentales, pandemia


Mental disorders in the child and adolescent population are a cause of concern for health agencies, being more evident in times of pandemic. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiology of cases of mental disorders in the child and adolescent population, in the Emergency Department of the Psychiatric Hospital of Asuncion Paraguay, between 2020 and 2021. The methodology was a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study, applied to 135 children and adolescents who were hospitalized during the study period, through the review of medical records. The main results were: 60% females, 96% adolescents; 10% decrease in consultations in 2021 compared to 2020; the main reasons for consultation were behavioral change 40%, self-aggressiveness 27% and aggressiveness/irritability 22%; 42% presented family pathological history: 23% required hospitalization; 73% had a psychiatric diagnosis; the top five psychiatric pathologies in the sample were major depression 21%, personality disorders 16%, brief psychotic disorder 13%, multiple substance use disorders 13% and unspecified non-organic psychosis 11%. Abuse was present in 7.4% and 90% of them were women. The study showed that mental disorders in this population have similar characteristics to other studies related to the subject in terms of sex, reason for consultation, frequent pathologies and abuse, one of the main ones being related to behavioral disorders.


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How to Cite

Maggi, C., Vázquez-Alcaraz, J. J., Vian, O., Centurión, C., Vera -Vargas, M., & Ovelar, L. (2022). EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MENTAL DISORDERS IN A PANDEMIC CHILD AND ADOLESCENT POPULATION. EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT OF THE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL OF PARAGUAY, PERIOD 2020 TO 2021. Memorias Del Instituto De Investigaciones En Ciencias De La Salud, 20(3), 36–44. https://doi.org/10.18004/mem.iics/1812-9528/2022.020.03.36



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