Social Link and Academic Development between Surgical Instrumentation and International Smile Operation




social connection, surgical instrumentation, reconstructive surgery


Social connection through university extension activities allows students to apply their knowledge in work environments and collaborate with communities. The Operation Smile Foundation provides reconstructive surgery for cleft lip and palate; Through inter-institutional alliances, the surgical instrumentation program of the Faculty of Medical Sciences participates in extension activities accompanying surgical interventions. The objective of the study was to know the scope regarding the social connection and academic development between Surgical Instrumentation and Operation Smile. A descriptive, qualitative, quantitative, non-probabilistic, intentional sampling study was carried out; 18 students of the degree participated through a survey, and a documentary analysis of three extension projects was also carried out. The results showed that 108 surgeries were attended, where 23 students performed instruments. Regarding the opinion on personal and professional satisfaction, 83.3% described it as excellent. Other aspects that stood out were: teamwork, organization, empathy. We can conclude by highlighting the importance of inter-institutional alliances linking the university and society, in this sense the activity allowed not only to consolidate knowledge and skills but also the professional relationship with other professionals, allowing us to learn about other contexts of the labor market.


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Author Biographies

Lelis Noelia Morales -Clemotte, Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)

Lic. en Kinesiologia y Fisioterapia, Lic. en Instrumentación y área quirúrgica, Docente la Carrera de Instrumentación y Área quirírgica, Nexo de Extensión Universitara. 

Alison Barrios , Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Carrera de Instrumentación y Área Quirúrgica

Lic. en Instrumentación y área quirúrgica. Docente de la Carrera de Instrumentación y área quirurgica FCM UNA. Encargada del proyecto de extensión Operación Sonrisa . 


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How to Cite

Morales -Clemotte, L. N., & Barrios , A. (2024). Social Link and Academic Development between Surgical Instrumentation and International Smile Operation. Interfaz, 3(1), 49–55.