Geographical location of popular pots in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Paraguay




soup kitchens, community organization, food security


The popular pots and other forms of solidarity that emerged in the midst of the pandemic, organized by those who have historically been marginalized by the State, constitute a different policy: rescuing the local and the collective; recovering traditional knowledge. In this sense, the present work consists of the systematization of the data collected within the framework of a university outreach project executed by the School of Social Sciences FACSO-UNA, where students of the Social Work and Sociology careers participated in order to contribute to the location and graphic representation within the framework of the National Innovation Strategy platform, locating the popular pots as community strategies to confront COVID, as well as the response from the public assistance policies provided by the State in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, conducting a total of 33 interviews with references to popular pots. Corresponds to Asunción, the Central Department, and some places in the interior of the country, showing as data that a total of 7,565 people eat pots, of which 4,229 are children and 1,140 are older adults. 


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Ramirez, M. M. (2023). Geographical location of popular pots in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Paraguay. Interfaz, 2(1), 18–25.