Objective: To characterize psychodermatoses due to secondary psychophysiological and psychiatric disorders at the Regional Hospital of Encarnación, during the year 2023.
Methodology: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional research, quantitative approach. With sample size of 247.
Results: Universe of 318 chips. The average age of patients diagnosed with psychodermatosis was 35 years. There were 1.3 times more female patients. 78% (N:248) have a job occupation. Patients from different departments of Paraguay come to the Dermatology Service, with 90% of them from Itapúa. According to the classification of Koo et al, there were 1.41 percentage points more psychophysiological disorders (PSD) compared to secondary psychiatric disorders (SPD), in which the seborrheic dermatitis was identified most frequently, with 29.5% ( N:94) and, in the TPS, it was acne, with 42.1% (N: 134). All patients have received medical treatment with topical medications such as ketoconazole, in 52% (N: 165) and corticosteroids in 48% (N: 152).
Conclusion: It is considered of utmost relevance to continue the search for data that can further enrich the statistical data on psychocutaneous alterations, since it is known that the mind - body relationship contains multiple connections that can be expressed as both psychological - psychiatric and dermatological conditions and, in addition, the psychosocial impact of some dermatoses can become disabling, causing not only health problems for those who suffer from it, but also within the socio-labor context.
Keywords:. Psychodermatosis, dermatology, psychiatry. (MeSH)
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Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea González Dosantos, Paddy Cimar Calvo Torales, Helena De Oliveira Medeiros