Assessment of nutritional status and dietary characteristics in older adults at the Simeona Nursing Home post Covid pandemic
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nutritional status

How to Cite

Meza Paredes, J. V., Ortiz Soria, L. A., & Olmedo Pavón, A. (2023). Assessment of nutritional status and dietary characteristics in older adults at the Simeona Nursing Home post Covid pandemic. Discover Medicine, 7(1).


Introduction: A worrying situation has been the evolution registered by the increase in the number of people infected by the new coronavirus, whose initials COVID-19 obey the year in which it was discovered, in the city of Wuhan, China. In the Americas, most deaths from COVID-19 occurred in people 70 years of age or older, followed by people between 60 and 69 years of age. The elderly are a very vulnerable population.

Objective: To determine the nutritional status and characteristics of the diet in older adults of the Simeona Nursing Home after the covid pandemic during the months of August to September of the year 2022.

Methodology: Observational descriptive cross-sectional study in adults over 60 years of age, in whom a survey on sociodemographic data and nutritional status was applied through the Body Mass Index (BMI) according to parameters of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

Results: The results of sociodemographic data showed that 53.33% of the studied population corresponded to the male sex and 46.67% to the female sex. Regarding the characteristics of the diet, 100% reported eating orally, regarding the results of the anthropometric assessment, the nutritional diagnosis that predominated was malnutrition (66.67%) according to BMI parameters (Pan American Health Organization). .

Conclusion: The Covid 19 pandemic constituted a challenge for all sectors of the health area, especially affecting people with underlying diseases and older adults. Malnutrition among the elderly of the Simeona home shows a high post-pandemic prevalence, the planning of nutritional strategies constitutes a fundamental pillar for resistance against complications and a decrease in morbidity and mortality in this especially vulnerable group.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Johana Vanessa Meza Paredes, Lourdes Alicia Ortiz Soria, Araceli Olmedo Pavón


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