Teachers' perspectives on communicative language teaching: a review of the literature
https://doi.org/10.57201/rcff.v18i2.4052Palabras clave:
Second Language, CLT, EFL, BICS, Meaningful languageResumen
In teaching English, there is always the discussion on which approach to apply in order to make the learning process successful for learners. The approach which this study focused on is the Communicative Language Teaching approach (CLT). This research aimed to describe the teachers’ perceptions on the use of CLT in a private language institute in Asuncion, Paraguay. This mixed method study used an initial questionnaire, then, semi-structured interviews method to collect the data. The results showed that participants generally had positive perceptions towards the use of CLT. There were also some diverse perceptions on the difficulties of applying the approach. The results from this study may be useful for future studies regarding this teaching approach. At the same time, it may provide significant data on teachers’ perception on the approach being applied in the institute where the data was gathered.
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