Speaking Fluency Improvement In EFL Young Learners Through The Use Of Music
Palabras clave:
ability, efl, fluency, music, speaking activitiesResumen
Speaking fluency is an important aspect for a proper degree of proficiency in any language. English language proficiency is based on the individual performance at it. How much we can understand and be understood depends on how natural and easily we can speak a certain language. For that reason, it is important to describe how speaking fluency interacts within English language. Also, it is important to consider how fluency can be related to music and how much influence music has over it. Considering this, the main purpose of this review article is to examine the ways in which exposure to music may help to improve speaking fluency in EFL students. Aspects related to the commonalities between music and speaking are explored, as well as their application in the teaching of English as a foreign language.
The highlight the importance of considering the use of strategies that incorporate a variety of music related activities to promote student engagement and speaking fluency. Results from this research may be useful for future studies regarding speaking fluency and speaking abilities overall.
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