Glass ceilings in the National Crusade and social capital
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social policy
National Crusade Against Hunger
social capital
community committees

How to Cite

Martínez Flores, V., & Castillo Viveros, N. (2017). Glass ceilings in the National Crusade and social capital. Revista Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 2, 28–43.


In this research article, the implementation of the National Crusade against Hunger (NCAH) in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico is analyzed and special emphasis is placed on the formation and consolidation phase of the Community Committees. It is posited that the objective of incorporating communities into the Crusade in order to attend the problem of food and affect social capital and cohesion was not achieved due to the lack of response to the demands made by the Community Committees and the continuity of the program, which negatively affected it, generating distrust towards the institutions and between the members of the communities, thus diminishing the social capital. However, it is recognized that the organizational experiences of the communities became an input to achieve this and were used as part of the NCAH methodology during the elaboration of the community diagnosis and the development plans implemented.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Verónica Martínez Flores, Nemesio Castillo Viveros


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