The role of the Social Sciences against the intention of a neoliberal reform of the Paraguayan State
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ciencias sociales

How to Cite

Ovando, L. A. (2020). The role of the Social Sciences against the intention of a neoliberal reform of the Paraguayan State. Kera Yvoty: Reflections on the Social Question, 5, 93–99.


The post-pandemic will bring with it a series of economic, political and social changes. It is clear that there will be a before and after after the health crisis and that many of the changes that will come will take place in the field of public administration. With regard to Paraguay, it is not the exception, the government launched the “structural” reform of the State, and it shows a strong neoliberal agenda that, as usual, seeks to accompany business interests above others. In this sense and taking into account that the health emergency will cause considerable damage to the community fabric, the role of Social Sciences in this context will be of vital importance, on the one hand, to guide the next political measures towards a more humane approach and on the other hand, to think about new and better social scenarios after COVID-19.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Luis Alexander Ovando


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